Santa’s Elves lend a Helping Hand to a Friend

A couple of weeks ago, an invitation arrived from my friend Colette, who owns and runs a bakery, known as Cakes and Desserts. In the run-up to Christmas, and in keeping with the German tradition, she and her team have been baking traditional Stollen and all my favourite German Weihnachtsgebäck, and yes – she is again making ginger bread houses too, as they proved so popular last year.

How to Bake Streifenkekse or Black-and-White Christmas Cookies: A Slideshow

When hubby was a laaitie (i.e. a young boy), one of his favourite types of Christmas cookies were something he called Streifenkekse (loosely translated from the German, this means something like ‘striped cookies’). They are also known as Schwarz-Weiß Gebäck (or ‘black-and-white cookies’). So when mom-in-law came to visit us over Christmas this year, hubby’s…

Báirin Breac at Samhain

It is the festival of Samhain this weekend: “At Samhain (which corresponds to modern Halloween), time lost all meaning and the past, present, and future were one. The dead, and the denizens of the Other World, walked among the living. It was a time of fairies, ghosts, demons, and witches. Winter itself was the Season…