Pollen season – and beautiful pigeons on the recently mown grass verges

Haa-a-a-a-a-tchoooo!!!! Every year during springtime, there is a conflict between the local residents of Pinelands who want to keep the beautiful wild spring flowers on the grass verges flowering in our neighbourhood for as long as possible, and who thus get mightily upset with the city council when their squadrons of mowers come roaring down…

Aaaak! Aaaaak! Aaaaaaarrrk!

Imagine the scene: It’s just after 5h00 in the morning. The world outside is wet, sodden, soaked through after a whole day of rain, rain, rain. It was still raining when you went to bed, and you were aware of it raining through the night. You’re snuggled deeply underneath the duvet, head buried under the…

A pair of Cape Bulbuls

I am thrilled to report that a pair of Cape Bulbuls seems to be looking for accommodation in our neighbourhood. I am very curious to see where they are going to build their nest. Look! A few seconds earlier, they’d been sitting companiably side by side, their feathers fluffed up slightly by the wind. I…

Hadeda babies

A week ago, I wrote about the pair of Hadeda ibises nesting in the big tree in our neighbour’s garden. Well, it seems that they have been successful in procreating: they have two little ones! We’ve seen them being fed, and managed to get a photo of Mumsy (or Daddy? hard to tell) snuggling them…

The extraordinary birdlife in our garden

Over the last months, I’ve managed to photograph a range of birds in our garden. I’d like to introduce you to our beloved feathered friends, some of whom you’ve probably seen before. Cape Sparrows These two adorable Cape Sparrows (Mr and Mrs Sparrow) are currently nesting (methinks) underneath the dilapidated shade-roof near our garden sheds,…

A Cape White-Eye

A couple of days ago, when it was unseasonably warm and the birds kept emptying out the various bird baths with their vigorous splashing, I sliced up some oranges and left them dotted about the garden. And I was really lucky to see this little fella, a Cape White-Eye, having a hearty lunch. I think…

The Sparrows’ nest

Argh! No! Mr and Mrs Sparrow’s brand-new and not-yet-finished nest was blown down off the security light last night. I feel desperately sorry for them. They looked quite upset this morning, chirping and fluttering helplessly around the pile of twigs, grasses and fluff on the ground, which is all that remains of their nest. So…

Mr and Mrs Sparrow

Over the last couple of years, two little Cape sparrows have repeatedly built their nest ontop of the security light in our back garden, right beneath the eaves of our house. They picked a really good spot, I think, because it’s sheltered from the rain and the prevailing wind direction. A month or two ago,…

The man with the goose

A week or two ago, I happened to find myself in Harfield Village, a rather quaint part of Claremont, with the intention of hand-delivering a copy of my book in a friend’s postbox. I slowly came a-pootling around the corner of one of those tiny lanes where you hope fervently that you won’t encounter any…

Squawk!! A Hadeda on the chimney

I got called outside by a terrible racket in the back garden. It sounded like a full-on row between two pairs of hadedas. Now, ONE of them squawking and screeching is bad enough, but all FOUR of them? An ear-splitting din! When I came rushing out, I barely caught a glimpse of them on the…